I really had a tough time for few years.
I lost my Mother,
I got dumped
I lost my Father
And my dark past 9 years ago
Always chasing me until now
My life turn to upside down
Two years people got rejected to enter my life
Two years I blocked my heart
Two years I walked alone
Two years I tried to recover myself
I want to share my 14 days of happiness
And I use the lyrics from "When I Look At You"
From Miley Cyrus to express my feelings
For you to understand how broken I am
"Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights are long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this is easy"
As we all know that each person
Need an inspiration to motivate their life
One day, I found someone that exactly like me
The Character, Super-Annoying
From that day
We start to know each other
Just 50% and the rest still locked
He is so secretive person
That makes me want to know him more and more
He always asked me one question
Why did I choose him
And I replied two paragraph
"When my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I
I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I
I look at you"
You just like a thunder bolt
That light up my life in split seconds
You bring back my happiness
You cheer me up with your childish behaviour
You make me smile again
You still scared to share with me your biggest secret
I waiting for it
When our 1st date
Everything going so well
You and I
We lough together
I am so excited to tell you about my Indo Journey
And I know
You can feel the love at that moment
Because i feel the love too
Once again
You asked me that question again
You said that you such a bad guy
You tell me everything
Your past
You said that you're not belongs to me
Because I am a good girl in your eyes
You said that you don't like to judge people
But why judge me?
You don't know me
You don't know my past
You tell me that you just like a
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
And, why you choose Mr Hyde more than Dr Jekyll?
You can share with me
You can talk to me
"You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All i need
Every breathe that I breath
Don't you know you're beautiful"
I know
You expect me to leave you
But I choose to stay
Still, You don't have the confidence
If you don't have the confidence
You'll always find a way not to win
You dumped me
You broke my heart
I try to hold you
But I failed
You asked me to leave
You cried
And I cried too
This is our accidentally photo together during 113 events